Sunday, May 19, 2019

New dieting for fast weight loss

Following Ramadan fasting for weight loss brings the benefits of fasting, knowing that some foods lead to rapid sugar drop in the body, which stimulates the craving for sweets and midday hunger as well as weight gain. In the following, diet Ramadan in points:

New dieting for fast weight loss
• It is not recommended to eat fries, such as: sambousas, potatoes, dumplings and some Arab sweets, as well as foods saturated with sugar and fat, such as: Qamaruddin and Jilab, baklava and kanafa, and foods rich in fat, such as: Pastries and rice cooked with abundant oil.
• Do not recommend drinking caffeine-rich beverages, such as tea, coffee and soda. Note that caffeine is a diuretic, which stimulates loss of water and feels hunger during fasting hours.
• It is recommended to resort to healthy nutrition alternatives in Ramadan, such as just a piece of homemade candy, or a piece of sambousa (or dumplings or grilled potatoes) with a little oil, drink herbal drinks, choose fruit instead of Arabic sweets, For the main course, with steamed rice.
Drink at least 1 liter of water a day. In this context, it is preferable to break the fast by drinking a glass of water, with two or three cups after an hour of breakfast, and the same amount between breakfast and Suhur.
• Useful fats are taken on the suhoor meal. Useful fats include olive oil, coconut oil, butter, raw nuts, seeds and olives. They help stabilize sugar levels, reduce hunger and boost energy.
• Protein is taken for its role in maintaining muscles and tissues in the body. Every meal in Ramadan should contain protein (chicken breast, seafood, red meat, yogurt, eggs) or vegetable protein.
• It is advisable to avoid eating too much sugar and carbohydrates, during breakfast.
• Suhoor meal should not be neglected.

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