Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Effective dieting to lose weight kilo per day

With the advent of spring and summer everyone is seeking to lose weight quickly we find for everyone looking for short term and successful diets and at the same time not tired and on the magazine diet will give you chemical dieter who loses you weight on the content and fast.

A quick-acting chemical diet for 1 kg loss every day, which you will experience and see for yourself, results in a satisfactory outcome in which you lose unwanted fat in the abdomen and buttocks in a very short period of time.

 Weight loss system
The first week of a quick-acting chemical diet
Breakfast: Breakfast will be fixed every day during the first week which is about

Half an orange or grapefruit (you can have a cup of fresh juice instead) + 1-2 boiled eggs.

First day
Food: 2 boiled egg + salad dish
Dinner: 2 cups skimmed yogurt + 2 boiled eggs + orange or grapefruit fruit.

the second day
Lunch: a quarter of grilled chicken or steak + salad with green salad
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs + orange fruit

the third day
Same day system

the fourth day
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs + pieces of cheese + sautéed vegetable dish
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs or 1 skimmed yogurt cup + sautéed vegetables

The fifth day
Lunch: Grilled fish or oil-free tuna
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs + sautéed vegetables

the sixth day
Food: grilled steak + sautéed vegetables + orange fruit
Dinner: a fruit salad dish with avoidance (figs, dates, grapes, bananas, mangoes)

the seventh day
Food: grilled chicken + sautéed vegetables + orange fruit
Dinner: chicken + tomatoes + orange fruit

If you want to lose more weight, you should repeat the first week's regimen with your doctor.

Important notes for healthy weight loss
Do not forget to drink plenty of water during the dieting period with at least half an hour of exercise.
This diet is fast and severe and therefore is not recommended for children under the age of 16 and for pregnant women, nursing mothers or those suffering from any health problems
It is better for your health not to increase this diet for 7 days because this diet lacks a large number of important nutrients, which is not allowed to deprive the body for more than 7 days.

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