Sunday, August 5, 2018

What is the correct water diet?

Healthy water diet, how to lose weight by dieting properly, called star rating because most stars only do water Saturday. So if you're looking for water diet or quick watering you're in the right place. Where we will remember the best methods of water dieting.

Drinking plenty of water can be a useful tool for dieting people when losing weight if this is the goal. Follow the steps below in the Water Regimen program to learn how to lose weight in the water jig.

Steps of water dieting
Drink water throughout the day
Drinking water during the day helps you feel full of satiety instead of high-calorie coffee or snacks. You can also eat less if you eat a snack of vegetables or fruits, and this will always make you feel full. And therefore less calories per day, which in turn will help to lose weight quickly.

Drink a glass of water before each meal
1.     In many studies of weight loss in overweight adults those who drank water before eating needed fewer calories and experienced a remarkable improvement in weight loss results.
2.     The effect of water in caloric intake may be more effective in older young adults. Regardless of your age if you use water before meals to increase weight loss do not forget to control the amounts and calories of food too.
3.     Some reports of using water to reduce weight by drinking a glass of water before, during or after a meal help digestion and speed loss.

Replace water-soluble beverages
Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, juices or other high-calorie beverages, grab a glass or bottle of water.
Thus, you drink a drink containing zero (calories) from other drinks with a lot of high calories and thus avoid hundreds of calories a day, which helps in losing weight quickly.

Drink cold water to speed up metabolism
·        Have you ever heard about people who are taking hot water for weight loss? Of course this method is wrong because the body is burning calories to heat the water you drink.
·        In a study on water-induced heat generation, researchers found that drinking water causes an increase in energy for both men and women, which result from the body heating water to body temperature.
·        In the study, men burned fat to save energy to heat water, and burned women carbohydrates.
·        The effects of high metabolism began after about 10 minutes of water intake and reached about 30-40 minutes after drinking.
·        Equal consumption of alcohol in equal amounts with water.

Drink water and reduce salt intake to lose weight
The amount of salt consumed in food can be reduced (by reducing salt, canned or frozen foods and meat from your diet) that help you lose weight quickly by water. Especially when combined with an increase in daily water intake.

Dieting to expel toxins by water
Often, short-term detoxification plans include water intake, which removes toxins from the body and reduces swelling.
As water is useful to combat bloating, you should drink a full jug of water every day for 4 days at the beginning of your diet plan.
Plans to expel toxins from the body by water Foods that contain naturally occurring water, such as melons, sorbets and green leafy vegetables, should be eaten.

Combine a diet restricted to calories and follow the water system together.

Drink 16 ounces of water before each meal to reduce daily calories (1200 for women and 1500 for men) and help those who are committed to a specific diet program to maintain successful weight loss for up to a year.

Water fasting in the way of fasting
1.Try replacing a light meal with pure water. Called (water diet only)
If you are not deaf, take small steps to prepare your body to challenge fasting.
Consider taking a lunch break and just drinking pure water. Water without flavors will replace this meal.

2 - Try to fast water for 24 hours
Attend yourself 7 days before fasting for 24 hours. Start with the elimination of foods and beverages that have a high percentage of sugar, fat and caffeine 7 days ago if you want to fast for 24 hours

3. Replace unhealthy foods with fat-free proteins, salads and fresh fruits and vegetables.

4.Try increasing your water intake every day so if you're comfortable you'll consume at least half a gallon of water daily
Take herbal supplements or take pure water to balance salts
Although fasting water is not allowed for sweets or heavy foods during fasting and sometimes recommended plums as a dietary supplement or some natural salts to prevent water poisoning

5 - a sip of green tea for breakfast and pure water for lunch.
Any time you feel discomfort or hunger pain you'll drink extra amounts of water. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to your green tea or water to add some flavor if you wish.

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