Monday, July 30, 2018

Diet is quick to lose weight within four days

Women who really want to succeed in getting fit need to take care and attention because they are the main cause of body agility. Weight gain and obesity are the main cause of food. Treatment is to monitor food to lose weight easily.

Healthy Dieting for Weight Loss
First day:
Breakfast: Eat 1 or 2 boiled eggs next to a piece of feta cheese or cottage cheese next to a fruit of cucumber or lettuce.

Lunch: Eat a can of tuna in an aqueous solution that is not well-oiled. Take a plate of salad (lettuce, cucumber, watercress and radish) without any greasy stuff.

Dinner: Eat a box of skimmed yoghurt with lemon or a little vitamin C.

the second day:
Breakfast: Eat a can of tuna in a well-filtered water solution with lemon juice and cumin next to the fruit of the cucumber.

Lunch: Eat grilled fish with boiled or steamed vegetables.

Dinner: Take a mushroom with lemon juice.

the third day:
Breakfast: Eat fruit (orange or apple) or take a cup of water with a teaspoon of white honey and lemon juice.

Lunch: Eat a box of tuna in a well-filtered aqueous solution next to a plate of salad without greasy substance.

Dinner: Eat a boiled egg with cheese and kooris next to the skimmed yogurt with lemon.

the fourth day:
Breakfast: spoon of linseed with boiled egg.

Lunch: Grilled chicken next to the salad plate.

Dinner: Eat skimmed yogurt with lemon juice.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals
Can eat 1 or 2 of boiled eggs.
Eat 2 tablespoons of flaxseed and oatmeal seeds.
Eat a glass of peach section.
Eat a piece of toast brown toast.
Eat cheese or Feta Lite.
Eat slices of cucumber or lettuce.
Eat grilled fish with salad.
Eat a can of tuna in a well-filtered water solution.
Eat grilled or boiled chicken and skimmed skin.
Eat soup of low-fat soup.
Eating vegetables.
Take a plate of salad without oils.
Eat skimmed yogurt with lemon juice.
Eat the fruit of oranges.

There are some tips and instructions to follow in the case of fast dieting, as follows:
·        Consult your doctor for any health problems that interfere with rapid dieting.
·        Eat a glass of warm water with white honey and lemon before breakfast.
·        Eggs can be replaced with tuna, grilled or grated fish.
·        Only 2 cups of Nescafe, tea without sugar or sugar can be added and lemon juice is added throughout the day.
·        You can eat half a cup of skimmed milk throughout the day.
·        Drink 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
·        Exercise helps to burn fat such as brisk walking and abdominal exercises.
·        Have dinner before 8 am before going to sleep for 3 hours to allow the stomach to digest food before bedtime.
·        Go to sleep early at 11 pm There is a hormone in the body responsible for burning fat works efficiently during the night.
·        Stay away from eating carbohydrates and sugars and eat proteins during the day, such as eggs and mushrooms.

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