Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Healthy balanced diet to lose weight

diet 15 days lose you 7 kilos to the content and without return to lose fat before Ramadan exclusively on the magazine Rajim .. We offer you the Diet special from the Koch sports for those suffering from overweight and lack of significant burn to lose weight.

Food Program
·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / 200 g slices chicken breast + 150 g spinach or broccoli + 2 cups water
·        Snack / green apple + tea
·        Dinner / vegetable soup + 200 g chicken slices + 2 cups water

·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / 200 g chicken slices + 200 g salad lettuce and cucumber + 2 cups water
·        Snack / 100 g natural tuna + cucumber + 2 cups water
·        Dinner / all green vegetables except for the guests according to his wishes.

·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / 200 g Beef without fat + green beans + cucumber + 2 cups water
·        Snack / salad lettuce and cucumber and a tablespoon olive oil + 2 cups water
·        Dinner / vegetable soup + 100 g chicken slices + 2 cups water

·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / 5 egg whites + 1500 fish + salad lettuce and cucumber + 2 cups water
·        Snack / green apple + tea
·        Dinner / green vegetable salad + 2 cups of water

·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / vegetables soup + 200 g chicken slices
·        Snack / 100 g natural tuna + cucumber + 2 cups water
·        Dinner / soup with light + 100 g fish or chicken

·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / 6 egg whites +150 g spinach + 2 cups water
·        Snack / 3 egg whites + 150 g chicken slices
·        Dinner / 150 g thickness + 150 g spinach

·        Breakfast / 2 cups warm water + green apple + tea without sugar
·        Food / 150 tuna + 150 g + spinach + 2 cups water
·        Snack / green apple + tea
·        Dinner / salad + 100 grams of tuna + 2 cups of water.

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