Sunday, June 24, 2018

How to fast slimming without dieting?

This obesity negatively affects people's self-confidence and aesthetic or external appearance, which requires finding effective solutions to the problem, including diets or dieting, which is the best solution for them, but it is not the only solution, where many people face great difficulties In adhering to the diet, so we chose to review some of the most important alternative methods that help to lose weight.

Quick slimming method without dieting
Healthy habits, which are directly related to the following:

Exercise regularly and continuously, at least three times a week or an hour a day, including walking or jogging.

Eat adequate amounts of water, at least two liters a day, to ensure body moisture, and to rid the body of toxins accumulated in it.

Minimize as much as possible the intake of saturated foods, including sweets and fast food.

Eliminate dinner, or take a few hours before bedtime, to ensure digestion of foods, and to prevent the accumulation of fat in different parts of the body.

Focus on eating high-fiber foods, including fruits and vegetables.
Limit alcohol intake.

Eating herbal drinks helps flush toxins out of the body, which in turn raises the efficiency of metabolism or metabolism, including green tea that helps to burn fat, ginger, cinnamon and peppermint.

Eat foods that help increase the feeling of fullness and satiety, and reduce the need to eat foods in large quantities.

Minimize the intake of salt-rich foods, which in turn inhibit water in the body.

Slimming Recipes
Eat a glass of lukewarm water with lemon early in the morning.
Eat a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily, especially before bedtime.
Eat a glass of fresh pineapple juice daily, containing digestive enzymes.

Note: The causes of obesity must be identified to determine the appropriate treatment, especially those that result from some health problems and need medical intervention, as they can not be changed by conventional methods.

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