Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tips check you 10 kilo in 3 weeks

Body weight, and a clear indication of the amount of fat accumulated in it; most people want to obtain agile bodies, so many of the negative effects caused by excess weight that; as it affects the general appearance of the body, causing many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and effects On the skeleton and joints, as it causes many social problems of the person, and reduces self-confidence, as it is difficult to get appropriate sizes of his body, and impedes his movement.

Because weight gain, especially the excessive increase tolerate a great deal of negatives, many people are trying to lose weight in several ways, including resort food systems harsh, or resorting to surgery, most of which cause serious symptoms, is to perform liposuction fat processes, or make a cut and stapled of the stomach, or a balloon in the stomach mode, or other; as eating drugs and medicines that reduce weight quickly, but lead to an imbalance in the body's hormones, may lead poisoning, so you should pay attention to the need to lose weight healthy ways that do not affect the lose 4,500 Calories per day Which means that in addition to eating certain foods for a period of 2 weeks must walk a distance of 25 km per day (in practice all you have to do is to walk 8 km without eating anything, because part of your weight loss will be water and muscle).

How can we actually achieve the loss of 10 kilograms
Change Your Diet:
Focus on drinking water only. Water cleans your diet, removes excess toxins and helps you lose weight. In addition, water contains no calories, making it a much smarter choice than sugary drinks.

You can even restrict yourself to drinking water and will double your chances of losing weight. If you need to drink something with a taste from time to time, drink unsweetened tea.

You should follow this advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, not just before exercising. You can also drink a cup of black coffee (or with skim milk). Caffeine will give you a sense of satiety and will encourage you to do your own exercises.

Recent studies have shown that drinking two cups of fresh water can increase your metabolism by 40% for 15 to 20 minutes. People who participated in the study lost about 8 pounds over 3 months by drinking only water.

You'll eliminate junk food from your diet altogether. A person who follows a standard diet can usually give up to fast food once or twice without serious consequences. But when you set the goal of losing weight quickly over just two weeks, you should put the junk food completely aside.

Similar to keeping away from fatty foods rich in water and those that contain a lot of sugar. Not to mention get away from anything based on dough, fries, chocolate ..

Be careful to read the labels. Even foods like yogurt and grains can be filled with sugar. Although many people think it is healthy food, this is not true.

Avoid white carbohydrates. All foods like pasta and cakes are filled with simple carbohydrates that are actually a kind of sugary sugar. These foods cause your insulin levels to rise, helping to store fat.

If you want to lose weight within two weeks, you'll stop consuming industrial carbohydrates, which means giving up eating white rice, bread, potatoes, cakes, chips and ice cream.

In addition to avoiding desserts, you will have to stop eating all the vegetables that contain starch (potatoes, squash and carrots), whole grains (including quinoa and brown rice) and fruits. Sweet, banana, orange, apple.

What you should take for a loss of 10 kilos
For vegetables, consume more asparagus, beet, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onions, radish, spinach, turnips and zucchini.

Fruits, eat blueberries, melons, cranberries, grapefruit, Spanish cantaloupe, lemon, orange, mango, papaya, strawberry, raspberry, tomatoes, watermelon.

Choose lean meats such as chicken or even fish. Fish consumption is especially useful because the fatty acids it contains will provide the body with the oils it needs and reduce the need for fatty foods.

One of the recommended diets at the moment is a diet based on juice, or fluid in general. These diets offer quick results in weight loss. You can try grapefruit juice or lemon juice and mint.

Changing the way you eat:
Eat at all meals:
You may tend to skip breakfast or fast for a day, but do not give in to this temptation. Prolonged fasting can lead to muscle loss and other health problems, as it can also make weight loss more difficult for your body.

When the human body does not feed enough, it automatically starts to store calories by burning fat less quickly. You can lose a lot of weight in the first few days, but by the end of the two weeks, your body will gradually regain weight.

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